A large part of this topic was initially studied within the framework of the project “Convex Grids. Networks of economy, power and knowledge in the Hellenic space from prehistoric times to the modern era. Detailed documentation – interpretive mapping – synthetic approaches” and specifically of the project 2.7: “Networks of trade contacts and economy in the Aegean during the Byzantine era, based on the study of pottery: the cases of the Peloponnese and Crete”. The undertaking involved two areas, the Peloponnese and Crete, which for different reasons are of particular importance in the investigation of trade contacts and communication networks and the spread of imported pottery from the 4th to the 15th or 16th centuries, respectively. The aim of the current project is to upgrade the existing digital infrastructure both by enriching the data for the two areas, and in terms of the search criteria feasible in it. It is now possible for the digital maps that have been created to display by location and by the various categories of imported ceramics found, i.e. one can perform the search by the individual category of ceramics (e.g. Late Roman type 1 amphora) per place, and not merely by overall groups (e.g. just amphorae) as was the case in the previous application. Multiple-level searches are also possible: thus a simultaneous search on more than one category of ceramics located in one or more places. Thus, the user can directly detect the dispersion of specific categories of pottery in individual locations within these two geographical areas and so attempt comparisons.